
Valves for seawater service.

Seawater is and aggressive and corrosive medium. To decide suitable valve materials for this service may be a challenge, especially with the view of extending its life expectancy whilst defending a budget.

Finding the right materials is key to extend life expectancy and lower the cost on valves for seawater service.

There are severeal ways to decide material selections:

1. Selecting materials with a low starting cost, consisting mainly of carbon steel and ductile iron parts which will require      significant maintenance over the years.
2. Selecting materials with a higher starting costs, consisting of mainly high grade alloys which will consequently reduce the  maintenance costs.
3. Selecting materials combined of options 1 and 2 controlling the starting cost and also to extend thye life expectancy.

Other materials which may be suitable are Super Duplex / Duplex & Titanium,  these are relatively expensive materials but are being considered based on cost / benefit.

Aluminum Bronze B-148 ( Al/Br – 953 ) is also used in certain applications.
This material has some of the same properties as bronze B61 and B62, but has better corrosion resistance and is better in seawater service than the aforementioned material grades.
The cost is slightly higher than B61/B62 but significantly less expensive than Duplex / Titanium.
Another material used is Nickel Aluminum Bronze, B-148 Ni. Al.Br – 955

Another option used is a housing in ductile iron with a bronze / aluminum bronze trim. 
The above mentioned are material grades used by our clients to which they report good experience with.
Pressure / Temperature / Service will also affect when selecting the right materials.
We have delivered valves for seawater service on major projects, DNV classing of Drilling Rigs and marine services in general, and have received positive feedback on the selection of valve materials.

Contact us to help you find the right solution.

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